Monday, June 26, 2006

Art in War

Disclaimer: No ancient oriental philosophy was harmed in the creation of this post. Oh, wait. That's Art of War.

One of the blogs I read is Fire and Ice, which has this post about creating the picture below.

Michael Fay

If you dig around on Michael Fay's site, you can find some fascinating pictures and artwork. I think being a Marine Corps Combat Artist is about as cool as being on the Army Pistol Team, although a lot more dangerous. Be careful---you may learn something about what is actually happening in Iraq if you read his posts between and about the art. Don't let any of this dangerous information slip at your next wine and cheese party. I will not be responsible for the consequences.

The next two pictures were taken by SSGT RL Klika of some troops guarding some forensic people looking for bodies at an Iraqi chemical dump. The pollution in the drainage canal behind the soldiers gives the whole scene an otherworldly look. I guess we could paste these fotos right into a sci-fi story.



To paraphrase George Orwell: I can drink beer safely in my home because on the frontier these rough men stand ready to do violence on my behalf. The link above goes to a Russian site with all Orwell's books and essays. Before 1989, who would've thought that would happen.

I'm too old and slow to help the guys in Iraq and Afganistan directly, but I'll be glad to stand them some beers when they get back.


mdfay said...

Hey, thanks for linking to my site. I love target shooting myself....I stay away from the beer and wine though, which insures a much safer world.

Kyle Hopgoddess said...

It is true that many hours of metabolic processing must occur before switching from my wine and beer hobby to either of motorcycling or shooting.

I forgot to mention one of my favorite pictures Taking a Knee in the post. Please check it out on the Fire and Ice site at the link in the original post.