Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Drinking Beer: Oregon

Nice thing about traveling in Oregon is that you can get great microbrewed beers in all bars and restaurants. While we were in Sherwood, we were too tired to really search out unlikely brews, but I did get some beers in unfamiliar packages.

At the Awards after the tournament, we were drinking Mac's Ale in the bottle, which was new for me---having only had it on tap before. It was not very hoppy, but well needed after waiting for everyone else to get big prizes while we were waiting our turn. I rarely drink ambers these days, but this one was pretty good.

When we had burgers at Chili's, I had Mirror Pond (a personal favorite) and Bridgeport IPA on draft. Both the links above may take you to an "over 21" or other bogus page; you may have to hunt around for the beers. I'd had Bridgeport IPA as cask-conditioned ale at a festival, but had heretofore only had the normal product in bottle.

Hopefully, we can swing by the Oregon Brewers Festival next month to do a more detailed look at the Oregon beer scene.

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