Sunday, July 09, 2006

Shooting: Good Weekend

Shooting two days in a row seems to help me. Today I did well in LaGrande with two stages in the top 10 and a final percentage that was over 60% of the over-all winner.

The new Division I was shooting in, Limited, really helped today because there were many shots restricted to the B-zone and upper A-zone from as far away as 50 ft. You can use a 6-inch barrel in Limited.

I got 6th in the classifier stage, so I was pretty excited about that (however, it will still be a "C" classifier, which is my current class).

Still lots of things to work on. I was talking to another shooter about foot work, and he gave me lots of ideas for practice sessions---that I can do in the house with air conditioning. Next week we're shooting locally; I hope it's under 100 F.

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