Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The apricot whatever is fermenting very well. Kevin and I decided that it shall be apricot wine, which means I have to add some sugar. We don't use much sugar at casa hopgoddess, so I need to get some while I'm out tomorrow.

The fermentation drive is very strong, so tomorrow I think I'll skim off the skins and other detritus off the top before I add the sugar. Removing the skins, et al., after a few days should be ok---whatever extraction from them probably will be done by then.

I'll take a few moments here to give thanks to the single-cell organism, yeast, who does so much for us. Although a lot of people have let me down, yeast have always given me their best shot.

Todays joy brought to you by Dave and Linda at Wineglass Cellars and their '95 Cab. Woot! Double Plus Good!

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