Saturday, July 29, 2006

OSHA is not amused

The Princess was seized by a passion to attend a women-only defensive pistol course. This passion was aided and abetted by another unscheduled brain leak, which yours truly had coincidentally experienced the night before. Spiced liberally by local video footage of a goblin in possession of a pistol while under the influence of Islam shooting unarmed Jewesses, we set out for FAS and a hotel with broadband.

The broadband being necessary because I'm in the middle of an OSHA course on industrial safe practices. I'm typing this on a break in the hotel room, mostly as a defensive online-course stress-relieving tool.

Twas interesting taking the part of the course that dealt with powder energized tools. Do you realize that you can drive a nail with a semi-automatic gunpowder energized gun? Can they do that in New York or Chicago?

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