Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Shooting: 2nd on the 4th

We celebrated the 4th of July by shooting pistols and shotguns on the range in the bays. Several other people had the same idea---go figure. I suppose we should properly honor the 2nd Amendment on Constitution Day, but since it is important for our continued independence it seems appropriate to do so on our National Independence Day as well.

I listened to a reading of the Declaration of Independence today on the radio. I'd forgotten how long the list of grievances was, as I usually only remember Jefferson's searing prose when he is setting the stage and drawing down the curtain.

Faithful Readers, I give you: The United States of America. What the world needed was invented on this day 230 years ago---a Republic for the Enlightenment. Okay, sure, a big swig of pils is an anachronism, but all the bottled ales have the King's tax on them.

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