Thursday, July 27, 2006

Alexander Today

Meanwhile in Iraq...

What a cheapass missle looks like.
Hezballah has been sending these
loaded with ball bearings
into Israel wholesale.
I guess in an attempt to attract smart bombs.

A year or so ago, while following the Battle for Mosel (also check the entries by that name numbers I-IV) in Michael Yon's blog, I was struck while looking at a map of that Iraq encounter: there is Gaugamella. It was a teeny-tiny moment akin to that scene in Patton where he leaves the modern-day battlefield because he can feel an ancient Carthage battlefield where a truly momentus battle took place.

Anyway, there Alexander, the first emissary of the Western Way of War, struck a heavy, decisive blow against Persia in a set-piece battle alongside, out of time, the latest representative of The West, albeit in counter-insurgency mode. Gaugamella, the name is practically a word of power.

Today, we have fighting in Lebonon. Mention is made of Hezballah making Tyre a stronghold. Alexander built two causeways in his seige of the island (at that time) city. They held out for a while, but Alexander is called The Great because he would not be denied. What happened in Tyre was a lesson that was heard clearly throughout the Levant. At least several thousand years ago it was. Nowadays, not so much.

Ever wonder what the Hezballah salute looks like? Well, even kids know it:
That looks vaguely familiar...

I'm sure if a little old lady doing a martyrdom operation needed help to cross the street these scouts would be glad to help out.

In other news, I just tapped a keg of our pilsner that has definately been touched by the hopgoddess.

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