Monday, June 11, 2007

Are you conservative?

So, I've mentioned before that when it comes to our government, etc., I'm conservative with a small c. To my amazement, there is a top ten list of what small c conservatives mostly believe in. You may agree with more on the list than you might think at first.

Many have said that Liberals in America aren't; I think it's also true that Conservatives in America aren't so much either.

Revolutions are usually carried out by persons of little forward-looking ability for realistic outcomes. They are focused on their Utopian vision and don't see what else could come. For instance, Tony Blair in the UK has helped build a surveillance network (to make people safe, you see) that photos an average person in London going about his business 300 times a day---and increasing coverage is coming daily. The government may change several times before someone realizes what an ambitious man or woman could do with such a network. And acts.

Revolutions, like our American one, are better for everyone getting a say at a very local level before changing something that has served for generations. Like local people watching out for the public order themselves, not an apparatchik in front of a bank of monitors. How long before the job of watching the monitors gets outsourced to India, China... Russia---they'd be good at that and cheap. Once the video is in the network, it can go anywhere in the world.

Getting our say is not to foreclose the people from doing something stupid, however. Peoples can diminish and nations can fail though great they once were.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's hilarious that he speaks derisively of people who believe in a mystical force of 'Progress' with a capital 'P', while on the same page he declares that all men are only equal before the 'Last Judgment' with a capital 'L' and a capital 'J'.