Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Notes from all over

It's a question of magnitude:

Fires in underground coal mines in China consume an estimated 200 million tons of coal per year, putting some 2-3% of all man-made carbon dioxide into the atmosphere—or as much as that produced by all the cars and light trucks in the U.S. And whereas auto transportation has considerable economic value, all the pollutants from coal fires are completely and utterly useless.

Of course, to ‘global warming’ zealots the purpose of fighting ‘global warming’ isn’t to save the environment; it’s to bugger industrially-advanced nations, especially (indeed, almost exclusively) the United States.

...and no, I won't explain what "bugger" means.

Compare and contrast:
General Pinochet recently died and Castro, who he is sort of paired with, is on his death bed. Pinochet seems to be hated by many, yet he stepped down voluntarily in favor of a democracy and Chile is currently the richest in South America--even with a current socialist government. Castro is swooned over by the whole world and Cuba is a totalitarian basket case.

Deja Vu:
The Seattle school district has a racist method of deciding who can go to which school and why. They have defended it all the way to the Supreme Court. I won't link to their website, but here's a nice write-up by Sowell. I'm sure it's OK to send a white girl across town because her neighborhood school is too white. It's just not OK to do that to a black girl because, well, just because, Diversity ya know.

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