Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Christmas Story

Long before it would have occurred to me to build a Christmas Tree out of Grolsch Beer bottles(someone beat me to it anyway), I spent a few Christmas Seasons in an All-City Boys Choir.

Twas the Singing Boys of Houston, and as Houston is a large city and there were about 75 of us boys, it must have been somewhat of a select group I was in. It was not obvious at the time to me, but it was a big deal for everyone else that I was there.

I remember people mentioning that they had listened to me/us on the radio Christmas Eve and thinking Dang, I missed us on the radio.

One year, we sang in the lobby of a large downtown bank and the manager gave us all an un-circulated silver dollar in a plastic case. We all took ours out and played with them.

I was a second soprano, and therefore stood in the middle of the choir. We sang lots of songs, but being boys we liked the ones we could really project.

So, here's to the Christmas memory of standing, surrounded by 75 boys singing a very long Gloria.

If that doesn't do it for you, how about the Nutcracker Suit performed entirely on bicycle parts?

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