Monday, August 13, 2007

Chrono Spider Bites, Prez Vanishes

It's election time for USPSA, the shooting organization that will allow even me to join. The Prez is standing for election again with pretty stiff competition. So, I imagine he thought he should pop up to the Area 1 Championships and put on a good show to improve his elect-ability quotient.

Most of the big wigs just blow into town and do a shoot through, i.e. muscle on to squad after squad. Then, toss off a few hand smooches to the hoi poloi and head for the airport.

The Prez would have won too--looks great, he's winning matches, beating seven other Grand Masters, and leading our organization to greatness. But...he blew right by the chrono station...ooops. It's like he was never at the match. Those chrono-spider bites can be nasty.

Bye Bye Prez! Hope you pay more attention to detail when it comes to association business :).

Our other VIP shoot through did chrono and did win the match.

One of the other presidential candidates stayed through to the end, collecting proxies for the prize table so he could collect swag for the junior program. He was raking it in big time.

In other chrono-spider news, one of our club shooters went minor (scoring is less for off-hi-zone shots), but managed to win his class anyway. I guess if you're pure of heart, and accurate, the chrono-spider venom is not so deadly.

The group before us had a guy shooting 200 gr 0.45 bullets with a 223 power factor! No wonder we did ok---the poor chrono spider was still cowering in the dark hiding from the bad old hand cannon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of these days when I'm on the phone you'll need to explain this chrono spider thing to me.