Sunday, October 01, 2006

How did this happen?

Holy Smoke! I got second on a stage against 75 other shooters, including a Grand Master and several Masters at the 2nd Oregon Glock-Only Championships.

Every once in a while my plan works, and this was a good example. The three steel targets were hidden behind the donut-gong. Since they were lined up and take time to fall, it was a matter of addressing the two paper targets in sequence with the poppers, starting with the first popper. They substituted a small USP at the end of the line, so it was only partially visible through the donut hole.

I shot it all with the minimum round count, so that explains why I did well, but it's a mystery why the faster shooters didn't overtake me.

Course what isn't a mystery is how I tanked on a few of the other stages, but I ended up slightly better than my classification percentage against the overall field and B level (I'm a C) in my division against a Grand Master. So, yeah, I had a great time. Hopefully, a picture post is forthcoming.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, or "I love it when a plan comes together" :)

It must be similar to how I got second in the 3 gun match the other month. How did that happen?!?

Kyle Hopgoddess said...

I think my current strategy boils down to "try to do well on one stage and not tank on any." Still working on the "not tanking" part.