Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fun in Glock Land, Part 1

I uploaded the pictures as 1024x768, so if you click on them you can get a closer look--if you dare.

This COF start is similar to a start at Area 1, but they learned from that one and required our heels to be on the top surface. At Area 1 I was shooting Production (10 rd limit in mags, none forward of hip) so I had mags in the back that I removed. Thus, I was hanging out if I dropped a mag or other mishap. Here I was shooting Limited, so I only had mags on front and side. I faced that way to not be looking at the rising sun. Yes, I'm wearing a Glock hat. My Glock is lying loaded on the table. I suggested maybe an unloaded gun on the table and the shooter lying loaded on the bed---lucky I didn't get DQd for an alcohol joke, I guess.

I'm usually not this alert when I wake up, but it is because I was sleeping with my rose colored glasses on. The mesh walls are pretend impenetrable. Real solid walls have problems in the wind if they are not anchored real good.

Stay outta da way, she's gettin A. The Princess is in the slow and accurate phase I was in last year. It's a good phase. I probably need to go back into it myself in a while.

The pistol range is built around a cinder cone. So all the bays face into a mountain. Six bays have a covered area, which is probably a pretty good idea in that part of Oregon--but it was beautiful weather for us.

Here's a link to the stage design (it's a PDF).


Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I could sleep through stages :) I noticed that the rose colored glasses also give you x-ray vision and allow you to see through walls. I need some of those for home defense!

Kyle Hopgoddess said...

It's confusing because the x-ray vision can see through walls that bullets can't go through.

Very embarrassing :)