Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Forget manning the walls...
Fijordman has battled PC with regard to Islamofascists for several years. I find his essays frightening and entertaining. Here just in time for Halloween is Caucasophobia.
Monday, October 30, 2006
2nd Lt, Air Force, Typical

Second Lieutenant Kelly George was selected as Miss Arkansas USA during the state pageant Oct. 28 held on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas. Lieutenant George is a resident of Sherwood, Ark., and is the deputy chief of Public Affairs for the 314th Airlift Wing at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark. (Courtesy photo/Rhonda Garrett Gilliam)
From Strategy Page.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Hotel Reporters
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Business as Usual
Someday we may be ready to deal with these people in the fashion that they need to be delt with.
I'm ready now, but I'm willing to wait. Hopefully, not to wait for a sword, forged in nuclear fire---before that please.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Flavored Beers
Popularity of flavored beers can now be measured by the introduction of chocolate beers by Miller and AB.
Quirky marketing move or sign of the Apocalypse? You decide.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Nut Brown Ale

It's time for our monthly beer club meeting, and we are talking about a megabrew. That's what we call it when we make a brewery-sized batch of wort and parcel it out in 5 gallon carboys for fermentation into beer at home. This time we are talking Nut Brown Ale. That's Samuel Smith brewery in the picture.
Now the first thing to consider is that in England where this style originates, nut brown refers to color. The beer is not originally supposed to have nuts in it. In brewpub parlance, however, Katy bar the door! Hopefully, the club will leave the addition of flavor extracts to individual brewer taste---and the secondary fermentation at home.
From the BJCP Guide:
10B. Northern English Brown Ale
Restrained fruitiness; little to no hop aroma. May have a caramel aspect to the malt character.
Dark golden to light brown color.
Gentle to moderate sweetness, with a nutty character. Balance is nearly even, with hop flavor low to none. Some fruity esters should be present; low diacetyl is acceptable.
medium-light to medium body, with a dry finish.
Overall Impression:
Drier and more hop-oriented that southern English brown ale, with a nutty character rather than caramel.
English brown ales are generally split into sub-styles along geographic lines.
English mild ale or pale ale malt base with caramel malts. May also have scant amounts darker malts. English hop varieties are most authentic. Moderate carbonate water.
Vital Statistics:
OG: 1.040-1.050
IBUs: 15-30 FG: 1.010-1.013
SRM: 12-30 ABV: 4-5.0%
Commercial Examples:
Newcastle Brown Ale, Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale, Adnams' Nut Brown Ale.
Newcastle Brown Ale uses maize to lighten the taste, which will be pretty typical of UK beers in general---sugar or corn. It will be difficult to get the same gravity and light taste with an all-malt beer. So, just lower the gravity to 1032-6 and call it a nut-brown mild.A Sam Smith page.
If you want to make a big all malt nut brown, here's one, or replace a pound or two of the malt with maize.
Here's one for extracts with an awesome name.
See ya at the meeting (I hope).
Saturday, October 14, 2006

I doubt this eco-friendly lack of light pollution can make up for all the burning to cook and keep warm, etc. An extortion racket blown up to country size is not pretty. Here's Kim getting all misty-eyed with a former Secretary of State:
In other news, a person was seen wearing both a Mao T-Shirt and a Free Tibet button.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Fun in Glock Land, Part 1
This COF start is similar to a start at Area 1, but they learned from that one and required our heels to be on the top surface. At Area 1 I was shooting Production (10 rd limit in mags, none forward of hip) so I had mags in the back that I removed. Thus, I was hanging out if I dropped a mag or other mishap. Here I was shooting Limited, so I only had mags on front and side. I faced that way to not be looking at the rising sun. Yes, I'm wearing a Glock hat. My Glock is lying loaded on the table. I suggested maybe an unloaded gun on the table and the shooter lying loaded on the bed---lucky I didn't get DQd for an alcohol joke, I guess.

I'm usually not this alert when I wake up, but it is because I was sleeping with my rose colored glasses on. The mesh walls are pretend impenetrable. Real solid walls have problems in the wind if they are not anchored real good.

Stay outta da way, she's gettin A. The Princess is in the slow and accurate phase I was in last year. It's a good phase. I probably need to go back into it myself in a while.

The pistol range is built around a cinder cone. So all the bays face into a mountain. Six bays have a covered area, which is probably a pretty good idea in that part of Oregon--but it was beautiful weather for us.
Here's a link to the stage design (it's a PDF).
Saturday, October 07, 2006
From the totally cool planes department
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Hmmmm, smooth

I think I need one of these. H&K doesn't seem to care much for us civilians, but they make damn fine guns.
Homeland Security picked this P2000SK as one of its chosen few.
I don't hold that against it.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
How did this happen?

Every once in a while my plan works, and this was a good example. The three steel targets were hidden behind the donut-gong. Since they were lined up and take time to fall, it was a matter of addressing the two paper targets in sequence with the poppers, starting with the first popper. They substituted a small USP at the end of the line, so it was only partially visible through the donut hole.
I shot it all with the minimum round count, so that explains why I did well, but it's a mystery why the faster shooters didn't overtake me.
Course what isn't a mystery is how I tanked on a few of the other stages, but I ended up slightly better than my classification percentage against the overall field and B level (I'm a C) in my division against a Grand Master. So, yeah, I had a great time. Hopefully, a picture post is forthcoming.
Time to Retire, all right
Is Kofi Annan a war criminal? Well the UK Times article doesn't fully answer, but makes obvious that being in charge during genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur does not affect ones promotability at the UN.
He made it all the way to the top--and the largest scandal in modern times: oil for food.
The poodle that is chosen to replace him will hopefully lead the relocation of the UN to Chad and not the multibillion dollar upgrade the their present digs in NY.
Kofi-caricature by Cox at Cox & Forkum.