Monday, May 22, 2006

Brewing Beer: Gadget Paradise

Occasionally, my brewing partner, Kevin (not shown), and I will not create a new brewing gadget during a brew session. We've been working on CIP (clean in place) stuff most recently since we are using kegs for fermenters. You can see by the picture above that we have accumulated quite a bit o' kit. Cheryll, the lovely lady working the mash rake, has her own tri-level brewstand that had to be left at home because there wasn't enough room in the garage for three stands.

You can, and we did, start brewing with a stock pot and a carboy or plastic bucket. You can start with extracts, add specialty grains later, and slowly move to full mashing by the intermediate step of the partial mash. Just boiling with lots of fresh hops will make a great beer, or at least one I would enjoy drinking.

Recently, we celebrated national homebrew day by rounding up five brewstands and brewing together. Can't wait until I can taste the kolsch I made (scroll down for the recipe). I did double the bitterness units---hard core, I know.


Anonymous said...

What's irish moss like? Or did you substitute...the good ol' desert moss?

Kyle Hopgoddess said...

If we're making an ale that will be consumed very soon, we might use Irish Moss since it will help clarify the wort.

Usually, we make lagers, which clarify during the cold storage. We also cold clarify our ales since we are usually not in a hurry.