Friday, October 19, 2007


In my previous post, the HK 2000 SK, covers just a naughty bit of Britney and you, gentle reader, may be wondering why so little. Well, I wanted to leave her "bikini" scar. If she would just wear her bikini it would be completely covered. However, Britney is a mama twice over and I salute that. Granted her ex has enough money to drag her through court and take the kids away with an assist from the 24 hour coverage she gets and he doesn't.

But she gets the credit in my book. So I hope she finds a normal guy and makes some more. The world needs more babies and if Britney can take the time to do it, all the power girls can.

Full Disclosure: I need babies not to pay for my retirement a couple of decades from now...Britney, make sure you spend all their money so they have to work and don't just endow a bunch of tax dodges like the Kennedy clan.

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