Saturday, March 24, 2007

Mega Brew March 2007

Update: pictures have been added at the club website here.

Today, March 24, the inmates took over the asylum---i.e. the homebrew club took over Ice Harbor Brewery. This is the brewlog of the event; check out the final report with pictures at our club website after a few days.

The original idea was to make a Marzen/Oktoberfest beer, but not everyone in the club can handle lagers. So the recipe was tweaked so that it could become an Alt-style ale. So the hybrid beast is a little hoppy for a Marzen and not quite hoppy enough for a full-on alt.

Notice that all the color comes from munich and vienna malts and not from crystal malts as is usual for a homebrew recipe for this type of beer.

Target was 280 gallons at 14P with about 32 IBUs and we basically hit it.

Grain Bill (14P):
Weyermann Munich Type I 330 lbs
Weyermann Pilsner 110 lbs
Great Western Vienna 100 lbs
Great Western 2-row 100 lbs

Hopping Schedule (about 32 IBUs):
at 60 minutes to go---
1000 g GR Spalt 3.3%,
300 g GR Hertzbrucker 2.8%,
800 g GR Northern Brewer 8.9%
at 30 minutes to go---
1000 g CZ Saaz 3.6%

Yesterday, we ground the malt and had it and hot water waiting for us.

8:05 Run in a little water and add 300 ml of 75% Phosphoric Acid

8:10 Mash in, take our time doughing, slowly adding water and malt.

8:55 Mash in done and mash at 152 F

10:10 Iodine test is negative after recirculating for 20 min, pH is 5.33

10:25 Wort to kettle

10:45 Fire the kettle, wort is covering probe

11:25 Half way there, looking for 2 hour sparge

12:40 Wort Collected, last runnings were still 5P by refractometer, pH is 5.3, 15.8P by refractometer (probably high)

1:15 Boiling

1:40 Added GR NB hops--- boil over--- lost 10-20 gallons--- added some replacement hops (214 g of GR-Northern Brewer)

2:30 CZ Saaz hops added

2:45 Add Yeast Nutriment

3:00 Strike the fire.

3:05 Add about 24 gal of water back in and do whirlpool

3:20 15 P by refractometer, but 14 P (1.0535 SG) by sacchrometer

3:20 Fill club carboys and 80 gal for pub (look for it!)

4:30 Start clean up

5:30 Work done. Have a beer!

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