Saturday, March 31, 2007


I'm pretty sure I would fall for this trap.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Pictures by Brad Ogle.

Earlier this month, we went shooting at Mica, WA. You can tell we are someplace special by the trees. The things just grow out of the ground up there.

You don't need special hot-shot guns to play USPSA/IPSC. Above is a stock Glock and below is a stock HK. Pay no attention to the Kimber hat. I don't know about you, but I think shooting in a leather jacket is hot.

The gun below is a mostly-stock HK, but it's pretty special out of the box. Tom was playing hurt--- besides his house-moving elbow he also had a twisted ankle from a particularly intense gun-shopping session.

I guess it's good that I always look the same in pictures of me shooting.

My hat matches my gun.

I was having trouble with my "performance" springs at this match, so now my Glock is closer to stock on the inside. The only special spring is stronger than original---now. I'm a pretty slow shooter to begin with but waiting for the trigger to reset too... arggggh.

Taking aim at a pretty small target area, pretty far away... pretty aimer too.

The Mica match was unusual because all the courses were so-called Classifiers, i.e. standardized over the whole country. The resulting score tells you how you are doing relative to every other US shooter. Some shooters shot it in more than one we had Production Bob and Limited Bob on our squad. I should probably have done that too with an Open gun, but there's always next time.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Mega Brew March 2007

Update: pictures have been added at the club website here.

Today, March 24, the inmates took over the asylum---i.e. the homebrew club took over Ice Harbor Brewery. This is the brewlog of the event; check out the final report with pictures at our club website after a few days.

The original idea was to make a Marzen/Oktoberfest beer, but not everyone in the club can handle lagers. So the recipe was tweaked so that it could become an Alt-style ale. So the hybrid beast is a little hoppy for a Marzen and not quite hoppy enough for a full-on alt.

Notice that all the color comes from munich and vienna malts and not from crystal malts as is usual for a homebrew recipe for this type of beer.

Target was 280 gallons at 14P with about 32 IBUs and we basically hit it.

Grain Bill (14P):
Weyermann Munich Type I 330 lbs
Weyermann Pilsner 110 lbs
Great Western Vienna 100 lbs
Great Western 2-row 100 lbs

Hopping Schedule (about 32 IBUs):
at 60 minutes to go---
1000 g GR Spalt 3.3%,
300 g GR Hertzbrucker 2.8%,
800 g GR Northern Brewer 8.9%
at 30 minutes to go---
1000 g CZ Saaz 3.6%

Yesterday, we ground the malt and had it and hot water waiting for us.

8:05 Run in a little water and add 300 ml of 75% Phosphoric Acid

8:10 Mash in, take our time doughing, slowly adding water and malt.

8:55 Mash in done and mash at 152 F

10:10 Iodine test is negative after recirculating for 20 min, pH is 5.33

10:25 Wort to kettle

10:45 Fire the kettle, wort is covering probe

11:25 Half way there, looking for 2 hour sparge

12:40 Wort Collected, last runnings were still 5P by refractometer, pH is 5.3, 15.8P by refractometer (probably high)

1:15 Boiling

1:40 Added GR NB hops--- boil over--- lost 10-20 gallons--- added some replacement hops (214 g of GR-Northern Brewer)

2:30 CZ Saaz hops added

2:45 Add Yeast Nutriment

3:00 Strike the fire.

3:05 Add about 24 gal of water back in and do whirlpool

3:20 15 P by refractometer, but 14 P (1.0535 SG) by sacchrometer

3:20 Fill club carboys and 80 gal for pub (look for it!)

4:30 Start clean up

5:30 Work done. Have a beer!

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Future of Movies

Now when producers make a movie, the stars can burst through with their own agenda or over-shadow a movie with their off-screen antics. But someday, they may be all like the young lady above---pure, immortal, unchanging---synthetic.

I eagerly await an Aragorn who is not a hollywood pussy.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Dr Hanson has been writing up a storm. He's even writing a historical novel (check the "outtakes" in the last few entries in his blog here). Here are a couple of recent columns on Iraq: 1 and 2.

I suppose I should point out every once in a while that VDH is a classical scholar, military historian, and a conservative Californian Democrat.

News media put conservatives on the right, but that is because they themselves are on the pretty-much far left. It makes more sense to me for the American political spectrum to put conservatives of both parties in the center with equality-forced-if-necessary to socialism/communism leaning moonbats to the left and libertarian-free-market-uber-alles to extreme isolationist-rest-of-the-world-go-to-hell crazies to the right.

Other countries are different: Hitler and Mussolini came from the left in their respective countries in the 20s. Sweden's new center-right leadership would be pretty far on our left, etc.