Friday, September 01, 2006

Explanation Found

Above: How Israel was able to shoot through a rusted-out vent in the top of a Lebanese ambulance, blow off and then cauterize the foot of the driver without smoking the interior or opening the body shell.

No good to reference the articles with all the agitprop on the web, they keep getting edited as the howlers are pointed out. Check out the link and look at more recent posts for more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not related to this post, but I had an interesting beer the other night. We should really try to make this one or one of its sisters. It wasn't an Abbey or Trappist ale, but a pretty good Belgian Tripel made by the Allagash Brewery in Portland, Maine. Actually I like the Duppel better, haven't tried the 4 yet. The Tripel was a birthday toast to a friend, (he said to have 2) so after that was SkullSplitter. Two very good beers. Didn't split my skull, but broke a tooth (pretty good party, heh!), just call me BillyBob. Drinking some mighty fine pilsner right now. Glass is empty, need to check the cooler anyway and see how the mead is doing.
