Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fourth Rail

Picture of Pakistan's Leader by Cox & Forkum.

As we get ready to go to the Oregon Glock-Only match, I salute the awesome blogging skills of Bill Roggio. I have found his analysis to be dead on during the move into Anbar last year and this year, he's been to Iraq and Afghanistan, he won't blog on something that he can't back up. Anyway, he has some great posts on Pakistan's losering along the border, and Task Force 145 icing high-value targets. Just go to his blog, The Fourth Rail, and keep scrolling.

Task Force 145--its current name although it changes a lot--- restores my faith in America. Sometimes bad guys just need to be hounded into a corner and killed or humiliated.

Gotta go, the PC police are breaking the door down...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Guide to the Perplexed

Austin Bay helps us understand the CBS Ambush. He's not talking about 60 Minutes, at least not directly.

Raymond Ibrahim talks about how attractive a certain religion is to certain boys and bad men. I must admit that God has never given me slave girls, but that would certainly appeal to some.

On a sad keg of very hoppy pilsner using the German Lager Yeast is...
sniff...gone. Fortunately, the Princess bought me a few bottles of Pilsner Urquell to tide me over until my Kolsch is on tap--tonight.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Homeschooling is a crime?

OK, so we didn't homeschool our kids because we wanted them to live to 18 so we could boot them out of the house.

But in Germany it's illegal. Evidently Hitler helped pass the law against the practice and it suits the modern regime to keep it that way.

A Fairy Story

Strategy Page has a story posted that might make good bed-time reading.

The plane falling from the sky is completely gratuitous and was put in only to push sales.

I think his tunic sets off his cottontail in a particularly dashing way, what ho.

Not sure what the farmer was doing in a Tiger though.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

OK, What I'm Really Thinking

Little Green Footballs has a post about some socialists making nice with Hamas. Any organization with International and Solidarity in it is pretty much Troskyite by definition. What is with these leftists that bond with 7th-century-enslave-women-kill-gays groups?

I could say they really, deep down, want to be dominated. Look at them, you know I could nail that argument. Or maybe that they'd heard about useful idiots and are trying to fill that role for dear Lenin. You know they're that, big time. Or I could say what I'm really thinking...

Hey look, chicks with guns!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I guess this is success

Variety talks about how the latest nightly news anchor, one Katie Couric, is doing at the bottom. Well, let's look back at another anchor that began at that lowly position. Tom Brokaw also began, naturally enough, at the bottom of the rankings. Yet by the end of his career, he was at the top. Sounds good, but he actually had more viewers when he started at the bottom. So, which is better when you are a news reader: more fans or the best of the bunch, all sinking in quick sand?

Give me internet news! I'll sort out what is believable without a newsreader, thank you very much.

Monday, September 11, 2006

on the range

Out on the range today setting up for our USPSA match next Sunday...too tired from dragging around steel and barriers. Back at it again tomorrow. Two of the stages are my design, so I blame myself for having so many props.

But, I'll get to shoot Sunday. Hooray!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

11 September, not THAT one

But sorta related. 11 September 1683, when the Ottomans were at the peak of their expansion into Europe---gathering slaves, ravaging, converting at swordpoint, that is Muslims behaving normally. Vienna was saved by a Pole, when no one else could be bothered.

The Ottomans and Arabs were big slavers. They took almost twice as many African slaves as came to North and South America. Look around the Western Hemisphere from Canada to the tip of Chile, you can see the legacy of that movement from Africa. Look around the lands of the ancient caliphate...where'd they all go?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Politically Incorrect Glock

I've seen hotter pictures of Glocks with accessories, but these are official publicity pictures from the normally staid Austrian company. The last picture explains why the full-sized Glock fits so well in the hand---and also why when they make the handle shorter for the subcompacts it's all tits and butt and no waist, as it were.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Plan Your Vacation Now

Zombietime has a map of Europe circa 2015. The British Isles look nice---much warmer than the old ones.

In a more realistic map, Sweden would be a Sultante.

My Kind of Imperial Stormtrooper

Actually, these are Femtroopers.

I'm pretty sure the Clone Wars would have been less decisive with more Femtroopers involved. The midriff is protected by the inability to take ones eyes off those big hard white mounds---armor is superfluous.

Luke, use the can opener Luke!

Golden Ear Decoration

Pillaging burial mounds has resulted in some spectacular finds. To bad the picture doesn't show how far down the chains go. This would look pretty good on a priestess. I think they had some pretty badass ones---at least if the written word of the ancient Greeks can be trusted.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Coppertone International

1st Sgt. Mario Terenas, from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, shakes hands with an Iraqi boy in Ribiyah during a patrol. Photo by Staff Sgt. Russell L. Klika

Need to get those tan lines low.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Gun of Their Own

The Stryker is an infantry platform and there's a Combat Brigade of them semi-locally at Fort Lewis. Usually, they have grenade launchers or chain guns of some sort, but a new version has a 105mm gun. Since the aftermath of WWII, big guns have been controlled by artillery or armored brigades. A gun this big that is controlled by the infantry is a throw-back.

I like it.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Explanation Found

Above: How Israel was able to shoot through a rusted-out vent in the top of a Lebanese ambulance, blow off and then cauterize the foot of the driver without smoking the interior or opening the body shell.

No good to reference the articles with all the agitprop on the web, they keep getting edited as the howlers are pointed out. Check out the link and look at more recent posts for more.