Sunday, August 06, 2006

13 hour range day

Saturday was an off-day from work, and I managed to get my sleep cycle arranged Friday so we could go be Range Officers at the public range in the too-early morning. Wow, it was really busy with a lot of hunters chomping at the sight-in bit. I quess there is early hunting in Canada. So after we closed the range, we still hadn't done any shooting ourselves. No problem---just head over to the bays and cook some more in that ol' desert sun.

I ran just over 100 rounds through the new Brazilian 1911 to start break-in, and then did Mozambique drills with the Kahr MK-40.

We watched the sun go down behind Rattlesnake Mountain and enjoyed the 15 F drop in temperature...then picked up the brass. Mmm, stoop labor.

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