Monday, December 17, 2007

Never Trust the Narrative

Unless you are a military history buff (or practicing/theorizing professional) who has kept up in recent decades, or were there, you probably don't know anything about the Vietnam War. If you were paying attention to newspapers and television back in the day, you haven't got a clue. But the link above will point you in the right direction, and you won't even have to study up.

Now when someone tells you Iraq is another Vietnam you can tell them: Vietnam wasn't Vietnam, 'tard.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bum Steer

OK, on the left is the old Swedish Military insignia and the new on the right. You may notice that something has been removed at the request of some female soldiers.

Now, I'm all for women soldiers. They do tough jobs. But I don't think that women soldiers are lions with their nuts cut off. They would more be lionesses with short manes trimmed for fighting and killing.

However, the symbolism of knackering the Swedish Military was too good to pass up evidently.

Over the years, I would expect to see that ol' knackered lion just get fat and happy.

"Why does everyone laugh when I roar?" The old-prune lion cried.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


The sign clearly indicates that one is not to bring guns into the public space beyond, even if one is legally entitled to do so. But some people just ignore the sign. They just want to shoot people, and it's best really if no one around can defend himself/herself. So, I'm sure the friendly signs were welcome to him. And maybe he was confused because the rifle he was carrying didn't really look much like the picture in the red slash. Anyway, the strategy works well because the sheep rarely look up.

There's a reason why you don't need to post keep-out signs around your average star system.

This is a sign of something. Polygamy would be much more manageable in heaven, of course.

And a sign that new (actually old) tactics are working in Iraq, are detailed (pdf) here.